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🌟A Father's Reflection🌟


Purchase Lifetime Access To All The Videos. 

Over 3 Days [26th March -28th March 2021] 

With 6 special guest speakers from around the world 

& 4 outstanding hosts! 

 What's included? 

🌟Lifetime access to the full conference -watch it on demand and rewatch when you need a boost! 

🌟Exclusive 10 Key Takeaways e-book you can use straight after the conference and develop & improve your relationship with your family. 

🌟Access to advice and support in our VIP Telegram. 

🌟Priority emails and exclusive offers from each of our companies. 

🌟Enlightening - 🌈Uplifting - 💥Inspiring....

Please subscribe so you don't miss out on all the valuable emails with your free gifts and discount codes.

In sha Allah featuring:

Nur Choudhury- Are You An Absent Father or Involved Father? 👨‍🍼

Sahil Adeem- How to ruin your child permanently 🤯

Maruf Yusopov- Parenting with a Halal mindset ✨

Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim - Raising a multicultural family with love 💖

Abdul Rahman Chao -  Best Practices for Islamic Education ☪️

Ammar Alshukry - Taking up the responsibility of fatherhood early on 🙋‍♂️

Bought to you by a team of five:

Sara Adams 
Lara Jennings 
Andrea Amina 
Iram Bint Safia
Salma Zaffar

🌺🌸Stay tuned for more🌸🌺 

Please share the blessings and barakah - invite all your friends and family!