No One Taught

Me This...

Based on the Six C's of Parenting...

..From the brilliant book on Positive Peaceful Parenting based on Islamic values and principles of psychology - No One Taught Me This by IrambintSafia









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بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Our incredible team of Parent Coaches are eager to share their wealth of parenting experience with you. 

No One Taught Me This was written by Coach Iram as a self-help book for modern parents. Parenting doesn't come with a manual but if it did, this would be it!

Learning how to connect with your child can alleviate so many of the social issues we now face as a society.

Everyone says start with your own home but no one teaches you exactly what to do. This is your chance to learn expert secrets that will take your parenting to the next level! 

At the conference The Parenting Team will be presenting alongside our esteemed guest coaches; We will assist you in crafting a postive peaceful parenting plan tailored to your particular situation.

By delving deeply into The Six C's of Parenting and exploring the nuances of connection and compassion specifically in the context of raising Muslims in the 21st century.

Through fostering collaboration and maintaining a steadfast commitment to nurturing successful children, we will guide you in the art of compassionate co-parenting even if you have an absent partner.

Armed with courage and unwavering conviction in our beliefs, we recognize that, as parents, our duty is to cultivate and nurture our precious children so they may flourish and lead their best lives, in sha Allah.

اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن

How can you watch? 

You will get a FREE Parenting Connection Journal (E-book) when you register and the videos for the conference will be live on YouTube on the 24th-26th December starting at 6pm daily! [GMT]

⭐️ If you are busy and would like to have extra time to watch, listen and absorb ALL the amazing gems of wisdom from our speakers and support our conference organisers to continue the amazing work they've been doing you can buy a 7-day pass or even lifetime access to this and all our previous conferences... links to buy will be sent after you've signed up ⭐️

Who will be presenting?

Dr Madiha Saeed 

Madiha is Physician and Director of Education for Documenting Hope (www.documentinghope.com) where she teach classes and workshops on how to holistically manage health conditions. 

She teaches mums to make functional, integrative and holistic medicine available to their families. 









Iram Bint Safia  


Iram Bint Safia is a  Life Coach, with an intense love for learning, growing, and simplifying the process of teaching your children to become the best version of themselves.

 As a life coach, teacher, and motivational speaker, she has found her passion in presenting ideas that will support the betterment of Muslim families like yours. 

Her role deals with behaviours and transformational knowledge for parents like you that are seeking a new norm in their parenting style.

Iram breaks down myths and social norms that have disabled us from feeling calm and confident in our child-rearing through her 3 E’s framework of Education, Empathy and Ethical goodness.

Maysaa Fahour 

Maysaa has a degree in Teaching, she's a Parent Mentor, a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, an accredited Behavioural Profiler and a Relationship Coach. 

Life changed the day Maysaa learnt about Emotional Intelligence, ten years ago. She then learnt the skills and strategies required to gain confidence and became aware of her behaviour and started helping other mums to do the same.







Khadija Al Kaddour

Founder of Muslimah Motherhood 2015 & Child Development Specialist Degree Qualified Parenting Consultant, Back to the Fitrah Mentor and Coach, and a certified NLP Practitioner.

Khadija Al Kaddour empowers Muslim Mothers and women to break family behavior patterns, come from surviving to thriving, rediscover their true selves, uplevel and experience loving relationships within their family.

Raising the next generation of Muslim men is one of the greatest legacies we can leave as women. Khadija is a mother of five boys, a motivational speaker, a workshop facilitator and an experienced homeschooler.

Timmie Mirza

 is the Founder & CEO of Simplify One Thing. She is on a mission to help coaches launch profitable online businesses by simplifying tech.

She is an Agile Certified Practitioner and a Certified High Performance Coach. Her lifelong mission is to create a massive positive impact in the world. She fulfills her mission by creating one tech solution at a time.



Fouzia Usman

 Fouzia is a mother of 3 children, a wife, a Software Engineer by profession, and an entrepreneur by passion.

Fouzia's background comes from the fusion of being a mom, a dawah enthusiast, a student of knowledge, and a software engineer moulded for more than two decades in corporate environments and personal development spaces. 



Dr Marwa Assar 

Dr. Marwa Assar is a psychologist, psycho-spiritual teacher, and founder of The H.O.M.E . Institute, which is named after her Heart Over Mind & Ego (H.O.M.E.) Method to psycho-spiritual wellness.

Dr. Marwa specializes in psycho-spiritual wellness that is approached through an Islamic psychological lens. She has a B.A.in Psychology, MEd in Counseling Psychology, and a PhD (Psy.D) in Applied Clinical Psychology. 

Sara Adams 

Sara Adams is a passionate educator and the founder of Love Learning Online. 

Sara has taught at private, public and international schools in both the United Kingdom and the Middle East. With almost 20 years of teaching experience, she practices peaceful parenting based on three core principles: Explore, Examine and Empower.

A busy mum of five, Sara is fully equipped with valuable, precious knowledge that she pours into Your Parenting Tribe. Her role is not limited to only supporting you, the muslim parents, academically. She is also an emotional pillar of strength and can be relied upon in her level-headed and objective coaching skills.

Aishah Javed   

Aishah Javed is the owner and executive coach at Clear Sky Healing Ltd.

Aishah has been coaching divorced Muslim women for over 3 years and has a passion for teaching muslim women to co-parent amicably.

She uses her framework of hurt, healing, and wholesome to guide her clients through the trauma post divorce.

Aishah uses Islamic Psychology, CBT, and NLP in her work to coach women with love and understanding. Her main aims are to break cultural beliefs and barriers about divorce and its effect on women. 


No One Taught

Me This!

Dig deep and discover who you really are as a mother.

Limited live tickets available, register now!  

Click Here For Your E-Book!

"MashaAllah sisters, JazakAllah khair for your wonderful conference I learnt a lot last year and I came back this year, I cannot wait for the fourth installment in sha Allah"

Ainee, England

"I am so glad that Allah guided me to you, I was praying for a solution and I saw this course advertised -it was more than I expected and I am certain I can become a better mum in sha Allah!"

Lana, England

"JazakAllah khair sisters I felt like I was drowning in the everyday rigmarole of being a mother, I thought I had lost my identity. I'm so glad that you've taught me that putting my self first is helpful to my family and my mind feels clearer and heart is lighter alhamdolillah. May Allah swt reward you all immensely for your inspiring lectures amin."

Sayma, Canada


No One Taught

Me This!

Dig deep and discover who you really are as a mother.

Limited live tickets available, register now!  

Sign Up Now!