About us

Iram Bint Safia is a  Life Coach, with an intense love for learning, growing, and simplifying the process of teaching your children to become the best version of themselves.

 As a life coach, teacher, and motivational speaker, she has found her passion in presenting ideas that will support the betterment of Muslim families like yours. 

Her role deals with behaviours and transformational knowledge for parents like you that are seeking a new norm in their parenting style.

Iram breaks down myths and social norms that have disabled us from feeling calm and confident in our child-rearing. Through her 3 E’s framework of Education, Empathy and Ethical goodness, she has been the vehicle in which over 300 women and counting have re-established their own iman (faith), found peace in their parenting, and are no longer exhausted and emotionally worn out.

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Sara Adams is a passionate educator and the founder of Love Learning Online. 

Sara has taught at private, public and international schools in both the United Kingdom and the Middle East. With over 18 years of teaching experience, she practices peaceful parenting based on three core principles: Explore, Examine and Empower.

A busy mum of five, having taught over three thousand students, Sara is fully equipped with valuable, precious knowledge that she pours into Your Parenting Tribe. Her role is not limited to only supporting you, the muslim parents, academically. She is also an emotional pillar of strength and can be relied upon in her level-headed and objective coaching skills.


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Aminah Jayne is a professional EFT & tapping therapist 

She successfully works with women around the globe releasing feelings of anxiety and negative self talk, allowing you to experience long lasting change so you can have inner peace, love who you are, and live a life you love as a mother, wife and a business woman. 

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Farida Umer

The Confidence and Productivity Coach
NLP practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Farida's focus is female entrepreneurs she empowers you to unlock your inner confidence and run your online businesses with energy and focus.

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Aishah Javed 

Certified NLP and Trauma -Informed coach.

Aisha has studied Islam and Psychology extensively.
Aisha's goals are to coach Muslim women who are struggling with relationships and/or have gone through divorce using islamic principles.

Aisha's Weblinks

Yusra Eshaq

Global health and fitness behaviour change coach

Yusra is an expert in helping high achieving mums, like you, feel sexy, regain their energy, confidence and feminine identity without dieting.

Her specialities include: 
• Behaviour change approach to health and fitness 
• Evidence Based Nutrition
• Prenatal (pregnancy) health and fitness
• Postnatal health and fitness including Diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence

How To Build Healthy Habits

Mariam Javaid

Parenting coach and educational consultant

Maryam Javaid is a home educating mother of three and a Muslim parenting Coach & Home Education Mentor. She has been supporting parents like yourself and the wider community for over five years. Maryam is passionate about empowering brown & black Muslim mothers to parent authentically using holistic and prophetic methods. She supports you to proritise your inner peace and relationship with Allah to break generational cycles.

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Mariam Arafat 

Marriage and Relationship Coach

Mariam specialises in the development of women to become emotionally strong and confident. So that you have the right skills to communicate better with your husbands and regnite the relationship with your confidence and words.
By teaching you through courses and bespoke coaching, she aims to help you develop the spousal relationship within your marriage so that you can create a strong core foundation for your ideal family life.
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Sara Saleh - business strategist and social media expert

Sara Saleh is a business strategist and specialises in helping Muslim Women grow their business online with confidence so they can build a business that is Islamically aligned. She is a mum to 4 and lives in the UK

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Rockshonara Choudhury

Specialist coach for parents of children that have additional educational needs

Coach Rockshonara is a parent coach who specialises in working with parents of children with additional needs. As a mum to children with additional needs herself, she understands the journey well and aspires to empower other mums on a similar journey to show up as the best version of themselves and support their children with their challenges.
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Anisah Abdullah -  Perinatal Wellness Professional and Doula

Anisah Abdullah is a doula and perinatal wellness practitioner, who specialises in mindset and emotional resiliance for expectant and postpartum Muslim mothers. She is passionate about offering holistic, personalised support, putting the power and autonomy back in her clients' hands.