Marvellous Must-Reads By Muslim Authors

Jan 12, 2022

Finding Peace Through Prayer and Love: Practical Tips for a Spiritually Fulfilling Life


By Sidra Ansari




Muslim Marriage 101: A Pro-active Guide To Creating a Peaceful and Loving Marriage


By Shireen Patel




A Muslim Girl's Guide to Life's Big Changes


By Rayhana Khan




A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes


By Sami Khan




Hind's Hands: A Story about Autism


By Umm Juwayriyah & Juwayriyah Ayed




Tried & Tested


By Umm Juwayriyah




Yaseen's Big Dream


By Umm Juwayriyah




The Size of a Mustard Seed: Covered Pearls Series Book 1


By Umm Juwayriyah




The Boy At the Back of the Class


By Onjali Q. Rauf


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